
Hetalia X Abused Child! Reader (Prussia Ending)

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"Gilbert." You concluded.
"Kesese~ Of course she vould choose zhe awesome me!" The albino cheered, rushing to your side.
You chuckled at him. "I wanna be awesome too!" He picked you up and sat you on his shoulders while he held your legs to help you balance.
"You vill be! But you'll never be as awesome as me, wenig mich!"
"Bruder, ve should get her home." Ludwig said, looking the tiniest bit excited.
"(Name), this is you new Oncle!" Gilbert bent his knees so you were the same level as Ludwig. "He isn't awesome like me though."
Ludwig sighed, his icy eyes meeting your (e/c) ones. "I'm sure you vould like to be going to your new home, right?" He asked, showing no emotion.
"Yes, Oncle!" You grinned brightly.
"Hey, Germany! Can I-a come, ve?" Feliciano begged in his bubbly way.
"Ja, sure." Germany muttered, his soft spot for the Italian showing.

Still sitting upon Gil's shoulders, the four of you headed to the parking lot, and got into Ludwig's car, (Gil then took you off of his shoulders). You and Gil sat in the back, and despite Gilbert's pleas to drive, Ludwig wouldn't hear of it. So, Ludwig drove, and Feli rode in the passenger seat.
An hour into the ride, you felt your eyelids grow heavy. Your head dropped down, and you fel asleep.
"Hm?" Gil glanced at you to see you had fallen asleep. 'She's going to get a sore neck,' he thought to himself, getting concerned. Wrapping his arm around you, he pulled you in to let you lean on his shoulder.
"Aww!" Feli cooed, turning in his chair to look. The two of you stayed like that for a long time, Gilbert even dozed off next to you for a bit. The journey was four hours long, so Ludwig pulled over now and then for a break.
When he pulled over at a little coffee shop so Feli, who was whingeing from lack of pasta, could eat, he asked Gilbert is he wanted anything.
Gil looked fondly at your sleeping body. "Nein, I'll stay vith (name)."
Ludwig nodded, and headed into the cafe with Feliciano following him with a skip in his step.
You started to squirm in your sleep, whimpering and breathing heavily.
"Huh?" The Prussian is confusion as he noticed your actions.
Suddenly, your eyes flew open, and you had small tears forming in the corners.
"Hey, are you alright?" Gilbert was panicking for you, using his thumb to wipe your tears.
"I had a nightmare..." You whined, grabbing onto his shirt.
"Zhat's not very awesome! You wanna tel zhe awesome me vhat it was about?"
You didn't reply, too chocked by your tears to reply. But when you eventually calmed down, you brought up the courage to speak. "I dreamed about my dad, h-h-he was..." Trailing off, more tears welled in your eyes.
"Shh, it's okay. He's gone now, I'm your new Vatti, and I won't let anything happen to you." Gilbert whispered, in a surprisingly soothing voice.
"Vatti." You copied him, nodding. Then you noticed that Ludwig and Feli weren't in the car. Gil must have picked up on your curiosity because he climbed out of the car, and opened your door too.
"Bruder and Feli both vent to eat. Let's go get something for ourselves."
He guided you in, heading straight for the counter, ordering something called 'wurst'.
Some colourful stuff in a swirling machine caught your eye, and you didn't realize you were staring.
"You van't some slush?" Gil asked, after catching you eyeing the colourful icy beverage.
"Yes please!"
"Vhat colour?"
Gil nodded, directing his attention back to the lady taking his order. "Zhe awesome me vill have..."
It only took a minute to find the table Ludwig and Feli were sitting at.
"Ciao bella!" Feliciano called when he spotted you.
"I bet your day iz a billion times awesomer vith zhe vorlds most awesome Vater und Tochter here." Gilbert gloated, the two of you sitting across from Ludwig and Feli.
For a short time you talked, while you sipped your icey sweet drink. Until you froze, feeling a shooting pain in your head that brought tears to your eyes.
"(name)?" Ludwig asked, noticing your pained expression.
"Ah! Bella are you okay?" Feli was worriedly shaking your shoulders.
"You got brain freeze?" Gil said plainly, and you nodded, as it wore off.
It took a long time, but you finally arrived at your new, awesome, home, as your Vatti called it.
"Tonight you can sleep in my awesome room!" Gilbert told you with an excited grin.
"Vatti, who is that?" You pointed to the yellow bird that was jumping about his silvery hair.
"Oh! Zis is Gilbird, he's awesome."
The creature cheeped at the mention of it's name, before jumping onto your head. Chuckling, you stroked it's feathers gently.
"He only likes people who are awesome." Gilbert stated. "Vhich is vhy he likes you."
~Time skip brought to you by Gilbird~
You had been living with Gilbert and Ludwig for only a month. Most of your time was spent at home, with either Gil, Ludwig, or Gil's friend's, Francis and Antonio, or Ludwig's friends, Feli and Kiku. If for whatever reason nobody could play with you (although they all made time for you, because they loved you very much) you would just draw. You loved to draw, which was lucky for you, because Feli was always delighted to see your newest pieces. He even gave you some lessons, which helped you improve.
Placing you yellow crayon down onto the table, and gently took your newest drawing, running to the sitting room where you had last seen Gil, along with his friends.
"Vatti, Vatti!" You called excitedly, eager to show your drawing. Rushing into the sitting room, you were upset to see that Gil wasn't their. Ludwig, Kiku and feli were though.
"O-Oh! Guten tag...(name)." Ludwig said, stumbling on the spot, his words slurred. A familiar smell wafted into your nose, and your heart lurched. Alcohol. Painful memories flooded into your mind. You knew very well what happened when people got drunk; they hurt you.
As if by instinct, you ran. Out of the house, down the street, and into unknown territory.
~Gilbert POV~
I sat in my awesome office and sighed. Bruder and our friends were having an awesome time before everyone wanted beer. And of course the awesome me would have had some too, but (name) is in the house, and at least one of us must be sober. After  all, I'm a Vatti now, so it's my responsibility. So, being the responsible, and awesome man I am, I...refused the beer. And yes, it was hard, but I'm the awesome me and I can do anything.
Suddenly, I heard the front door slam. Groaning, I left my unawesome paperwork to go see what was going on.
"Vhat zhe hell did you do?" I shouted, marching to the front door. Bruder was staring at the door with shock, then locked eyes with me.
"(N-Name), she ran avay from me." He uttered, worry in his face.
"Vhat?!" I screeched, not waiting for an answer. Darting out of the door, I began to search for her, frantically, every nook and cranny. I asked so many people if they'd seen her. But no luck.
My panic increased, my heart tried to punch it's way out of my chest. Until I heard a soft whimper from a narrow alley.
Venturing closer, I felt myself tackled with a hug from small arms. "Vatti!" (name) sobbed into my shirt, and I stroked her hair.
"(Name), I'm so glad your okay!" I knelt down to her level, and gently used my thumb to lift her chin so my eyes could meet her own teary ones.
"Don't ever run away like that again! Do you know how scared ve vere? If you have a problem you find me! Vhat if you'd got hurt? That vasn't awesome!"
"I'm sorry! I was scared..." She cried.
"Vhat of?"
"People are mean when they're drunk..." She whimpered, fear filling her (e/c) orbs.
"(name), zhat's not really true. People have drinks makes things funner. Sure zhey act silly, and some violently, but your dad vas different, it vasn't the alcohol making him mean, it was..." I trailed off, looking for the right thing to say.
"Because he wasn't awesome?" (name) suggested.
"Ja! He just vasn't as awesome as us!"  I paused, noticing a piece of paper in her hand. "Hey vhat's that?"
Smling, (name) presented a drawing of Gilbird, in crayons. It was really accurate, and for her age, really good. She's gonna excel in art...
"Zhat's awesome!" I praised, taking it from her carefully placing it in my pocket. This ones a keeper.
~Regular POV and time skip :0~
You were now sixteen.
You'd matured a lot, and it was the most noticeable in your personality and confidence. Alike to your Vatti, you used the word awesome more than any other word. At school you were fairly popular, you even had a boyfriend, called Jason. Even though Gil wasn't happy about it at first, Francis and Antonio talked to him, and he began to be more rational about it.
Little did you know who Jason really was. He certainly wasn't the sweet boy you thought he was.
It happened when you were walking home from school.
Walking down the street, you let out a soft, happy sigh as you spotted a coule in the distance, kissing. Cute. They reminded you of Jason and yourself. Maybe it was because the boy looked so much like Jason. Wait... you squinted to get a better look, and your heart lurched. It was Jason, kissing another girl.
Storming up to him, you were prepared to show him your anger, shout at him. But when you reached him, and your eyes locked, all your confidence disappeared, melting into sadness. you were rendered speechless.
"Gah! (name), it's not what it looks like!" He pushed the other girl away (to her distaste) and began to beg for forgiveness, coming up with excuses.
Opening your mouth you tried to speak, but no words came and you closed it again. You tried again, but only squeaks came out. "I-you-I-..why?" Tears came to your eyes, and you turned away, running home, not bothering to listen as he called after you.
As soon as you swing the front door open, you cried out. "Vatti!"
Gilbert came dashing out of the kitchen, with Antonio and Francis not far behind.
"Vhats wrong?" He asked, his voice thick with concern as you wrapped your arms around him tightly.
"Chica?" Antonio patted your back comfortingly.
"I-It's Jason!" You wept, feeling vatti tense up.
"Vhat did he do?!" Gilbert clenched his teeth angrily.
Francis came over, and in a hushed by furious voice whispered "D-Did he touch you?"
Shaking your head, you blushed a bit with embarrassment. "N-no, I-He was kissing another girl!"
"He is no good for you chica! You deserve better!" Antonio assured you while Gil pulled away.
"Vhere vas he? I'll kill that unawesome scheibe!" He was about to leave, fists clenched, when you tugged on his arm.  
"Please...just stay with me!" Yuo whispered sadly. Gil hesitated, but sighed, pulling you in for another cuddle.
"(name), you are beautiful, strong, and awesome. If he can't see zhat, zhen you don't need him."
Smiling through your tears, you glanced up at him. "I love you."
"I love you too, (name)."

(Time skip to the day before you asked Jason out. Yes, you asked him.)
"V-Vatti?" You hovered at his office door.
"Yes?" He spun around in his desk chair like a five year old.
"I, um, wanted to talk to you about something kind of embarrassing..." You admitted, going red.
Your vatti also went red. "L-look, I think I know vhat your getting onto." The Prussian breathed in deeply, before meeting your eyes with a heavy blush. "Vhen you get older, your body goes through...changes, called puberty."
Your jaw dropped. He had completely missed the point! And he was trying to give you...'The talk'. You only wanted to tell him you had a crush on a boy and ask for advice!
He carried on. "And those feelings you get are called hormones-"
"STOP!" You yelled, bright red. "Forget it! I'll just call Elizabeta and talk to her..."
"Good idea. She'll know about zhe girl stuff."
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EnglandNcis's avatar
the worst part is whn he said he would deal with him and i wanted to be like," dont worry i am dealing with him already," where is he? "the basement, tied to a chair"